Monday, December 28, 2015

Window 016938

1 comment:

Jim Hill, Photographer said...

I love this window and the one below it. This one has a beautiful tonal range and high impact when one realizes what is happening with the reflections. Of course the face is prominent but there are numerous other details that are visible upon closer inspection. And then the white slats in the blind are a touch of superb seeing. The photograph would not be as powerful without them, in my opinion.

The other window is quite humorous. Keeps one guessing as to what and/or who made all these frames with so much going on in them. Was it one concerted effort or did it happen over time? Again, you tonalities are superb. The space needs to be static as there is so much going on in each frame that to have it otherwise would be a distraction. Well seen and very well played, Maestro David.